#QOTD ‘Morality is doing what’s right regardless of what your told. Obedience is doing what your told regardless of what is right.’

Morality is doing what’s right regardless of what your told. Obedience is doing what your told regardless of what is right.
As children we are bought up to listen to our elders, the important and influential people in our lives; parents, family members, teachers. We are taught to be obedient and listen to what they say, and comply to do so. However, as we grow up, we learn there is a difference between doing what is right and doing what we are told. It’s very important to understand this difference, as following something someone says because it’s ‘well behaved’ to do so is worse than doing something that might be ‘frowned upon or bad behaviour’, but that is morally right. Make up your own mind about what is right and wrong and follow what you believe; let your gut be your guide. If you believe something is morally wrong, don’t do it! And if you believe something is morally right, stand up and fight for it – you don’t know how much of a difference you could make!

 While at school studying psychology I was taught about the Milgram Obedience experiment. This case study gave extremely interesting results, but which are quite disappointing. For more information and results of the experiment, click this link!

Milgram experiment

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